The Licensing of our new Chaplain, the Revd Ron Corne, which should have taken place back in March 2020, took place on the 6th of August, the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. The Celebrant and Preacher was the Venerable David Waller, Archdeacon of Gibraltar, who flew in for the occasion from his base in Mallorca. The service was attended by local clergy (Anglican, Lutheran and Roman Catholic) from Tenerife and some of the other Canary Islands, and by many All Saints’ and La Palma regulars. There was a special catered parish lunch for all present, arranged according to the current food regulations!
Thanks to all who made the occasion one to remember, despite the odd circumstances under which we still find ourselves. The photographer who took the photo of the clergy outside the church, could not stop himself from saying “Now, a nice big smile . . . . . “, so, for a second photo they all waved instead!