Important Announcement concerning Reverend Ron Corne’s Licensing
We are delighted that at last we are able to celebrate the Licensing of Reverend Ron Corne at 11:30am on 6th August in All Saints. This has been delayed because of the restriction imposed on us because of the Covid 19 pandemic, and sadly these continued restrictions allow us to accommodate only 70 people in the church at one time.
Whilst we are eager to share this occasion as widely as possible we do have to comply with these regulations, and so I have been in touch with some members of our congregation who attend regularly to extend an invitation, however should you not yet have been contacted and wish to come, please call me on 605486792. Naturally Reverend Ron has requested that we invite fellow clergy and friends from the islands with whom he will be working, so I cannot guarantee a place within the church f0r everyone.
With this in mind we are currently trying to be as inclusive as possible and arrange for an online streaming of the service to include those unable to attend. Watch this space for further information. We will advise you of progress.
There will be a celebration after the Licensing service comprising of pre-plated tapas and refreshments. If any member of the congregation who is not able to join us in the church due to restricted numbers, would like to join in the celebration please let me know as soon as possible so we can advise the caterers of the final numbers.
I am sorry that the current restrictions do not allow the usual freedoms to which we have become accustomed, but please rest assured that we will endeavour to be as inclusive as possible.
Take care and stay safe.
Wendy Sanderson